柴犬ラク|shiba inu raku > About Copyrights – Illustration Usage Guidelines


All copyrights and portrait rights to the content of this website, the official website of <shiba inu raku >®︎, and the trademarks, logos, characters (including, but not limited to shiba inu raku), illustrations, designs, images, photographs, and text posted on its social media pages, belong to and are managed by Luckty Japan (“the Company”). Unauthorized use of these without permission is strictly prohibited. If it is found that someone has used the Company’s designs or has appropriated the said designs without permission and asked another company to create products using such designs, the Company shall file a claim for compensation based on legal procedures in a court of law with jurisdiction over the Company’s location.
The Company only allows the use of its illustrations for social networking profile pictures in accordance with the guidelines below. Using, reprinting, or publishing illustrations or photos not created by yourself without permission from the author (including profile picture usage) is an infringement of copyright and violates the Copyright Act. Please be sure to check with the respective rights holders for their policies and comply with them. For more information on copyrights, please refer to the following websites:
Copyright Q&A, Copyright Research and Information Center



Can I use the character <shiba inu raku>?

For inquiries from corporations and companies about licensing, please refer to this page. Individuals (including sole proprietors) will not be permitted licenses due to the difficulty of providing official permission and supervision for all requests. You are free to use the works within the scope of use (when the copyrighted work can be used without the permission of the right holder, such as for personal use by saving it on a computer or smartphone and setting it as a wallpaper) specified by the Copyright Act. For the scope of free use, please refer to the Agency for Cultural Affairs homepage or the “Limitations on Copyright” of the Copyright Act, which is available on the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications homepage. The Company cannot answer any questions regarding the legality of individual cases.

Examples of usage within the scope of personal use (common examples)

  •  Saving the content to a computer, smartphone, etc.
  •  Printing out the content on your home printer and putting it on your notebook
  •  Using the content as a wallpaper for your smartphone or PC
  •  Using the content as a personal social media profile picture (please follow the guidelines below)

*Printing or production outsourced to a third party, or use or distribution for presentations, programs, or other unspecified purposes to a large number of people are outside the scope of personal use. Please note that even if the event you are hosting is free of charge, you may not use the materials without permission.


Can I use your illustrations and icons on social media sites and my homepage?

Other than sharing posts on social networking sites, all illustrations, including those on the official website, may not be used without permission. However, only on your personal account, you may use the content as your profile picture (including header image) for your social media account (LINE, Twitter, Instagram, etc.) or blog as long as you follow the guidelines below. Corporations are prohibited from using this content under any circumstances. Please be sure to check and apply for the Company’s permission before use. (Dealers may use the content for product images in their online stores or for advertising purposes.)

  • Requirements
    ・State that your profile picture is the Company’s copyrighted work (be sure to specify @username)
    ・Copyright declaration(©︎柴犬ラク/ ©︎shiba inu raku / ©︎Luckty Japan )

Prohibited Item

◎ Please use the original as is.
Changing the background color
Changing the color
Changing the size
Adding text
Removing the copyright

[Specific Examples of Prohibited Items]・Using the content on websites and blogs (materials, background images, etc.)
・Using the content in ads and brochures (including non-commercial usage)
・Selling the Company’s illustrations
・Production and sale of goods and data created using the Company’s illustrations
・Using the content in blogs and YouTube for monetization purposes etc

About Reposting

ploading or reposting the Company’s illustrations (including direct links) on blogs and social media sites such as LINE, Twitter, and Instagram is prohibited. However, for posts with a social media share function, you can share it through the relevant service’s share function. Please use the share function or post the URL of the social media article when featuring the content on your blog or other media.


Example: Today, we’re going to show you our favorite Baby raku !


ビジネスパートナー募集中 ビジネスパートナー募集中

We are looking for business partners such as dealers
and licensees who can handle Shiba Inu Raku goods.





・イベントへの出演依頼 等

子供達のために描かれたキャラクター「にんじんパワァ」もよろしくね! 子供達のために描かれたキャラクター「にんじんパワァ」もよろしくね!

柴犬ラク・にんじんパワァ 作者の吉田悠人です。

柴犬ラク・にんじんパワァ 作者の吉田悠人です
While working as a clarinettist, I draw my dog Raku.
I would like to convey the cuteness of Shiba Inu and the charm of music.
Thank you for your support!